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Memories of a Child Weirdo

Memories of a Child Weirdo  By Claudia MacLeod Buster Keaton was my hero as a kid and he still is! I was made fun of something terribly at some of the schools I went to because I chose to dress like a silent movie comic/weirdo goofball that I was. I wanted to be just like Buster. I even did a little silent movies, clowning, weird Stunts, acrobats and trapeze and all that stuff- Not to mention throwing tarps onto trees and making obstacle courses and crazy things to do in my yard like jump off the roof into the pool or onto all kinds of padded things. I even tried being a stunt person for a while, and would do things in little independent movies like jumping from car to car and shit like that. Mainly because I was pretty much fearless punkass and small enough to just go in there and climb the shit out of stuff. I was beating up a lot of kid and ran away from home a great deal. I threw myself into my art to deal with it. I studied and learned with a couple of people. Well, a stupid car a

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